Birds and Bears Itinerary

1nt Bogota, 2 nts Chingaza National Park, 1nt Bogota, 3 nts Risalarda, 2 nts Jardin, 2 nts Medellin, 2 nts Tayrona, 2 nts Minca, 1nt Santa Marta


Private guided itinerary that combines three regions rich in birdlife. This itinerary starts in the eastern andes, arriving in the capital of Colombia, Bogota which is located at 2,600 metres above sea level, you will spend a day acclimatising and enjoying the capital. You will then head deep in to the Chingaza National Park to try to observe spectacled bears, a variety of birds and other wildlife all within the rare paramo ecosystem.

Next you will transfer to the central andes with a short flight from Bogota. This area, also known as Coffee Region, is famous for its colonial towns, lush mountains, green landscape and interesting wildlife and birds. You will visit off the beaten track locations within the Tatama National Park in addition to small towns hidden deep in the Andes. A highlight will be seeing many endemic birds to this region of Colombia such as the Gold Ringed Tanager and the Black and Gold Tanager, as well as a chance to see the stunning Andean Cock of the Rock. This part of the itinerary will end in Medellin, where you can explore the city and learn about its rich history.

Finally, you will visit the hot and sunny caribbean coast of Colombia. You will fly to Santa Marta and transfer to the popular Tayrona National Park, a place full of history, beautiful beaches and pristine forest. After a few nights at the coast you will head high again to the cloud forest of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta near Minca, a birdwatchers paradise where there are more endemic birds to spot such as the Santa Marta Parakeet and the Santa Marta Antpitta. Look and listen out for the Red Howler Monkey which can also be seen.

Price Guide

16 nights from £5,765 per person based on Double occupancy

These prices are excluding international flights. Average flight prices vary depending on time of year and can be considerably more expensive at peak times (Christmas, Easter, Summer). Flight routes vary, please contact us for accurate flight pricing for your timings and place of departure.

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Day to Day

Below is an example day by day itinerary

Day 1

Arrival in the capital of Colombia, Bogota and met by your guide. Overnight Hotel de La Opera

Day 2

Guided visit to the Hummingbird Sanctuary of La Calera before transferring to Chingaza National Park. Overnight in a simple cabin within National Park (BLD)

Day 3

Up early to observe birds, followed by a guided hike in the park to learn more about the rare Paramo ecosystem, local fauna and flora and possibly sighting spectacled bears. Overnight in a simple cabin within National Park (BLD)

Day 4

Up early for another guided bird walk and visit to a different area of the National Park. You will then transfer back to Bogota. Overnight Courtyard by Marriot Bogota Airport (BL)

Day 5

Today you will fly to Pereira and transfer to your lodge near Tatama National Park. You can enjoy the afternoon watching the birds on the feeders or enjoy the surroundings where you can see hummingbirds and many other bird species. There are many endemic bird species to the area including the gold ringed tanager and the black and gold tanager. Overnight Montezuma Rainforest Lodge (BLD)

Day 6

Early start with a drive deep into the national park with your guide where you will explore cloud forest at an altitude between 1,900 and 2,500 metres above sea level to observe numerous birds and wildlife. There are more than 600 different bird species in the area and more than 70 colombian endemics! Overnight Montezuma Rainforest Lodge (BLD)

Day 7

Another early start with your guide to take a shorter drive in the national park Today to explore lower parts of the cloud forest, between 1,300 and 1,900 metres above sea level. The vegetation will be denser and different birds and wildlife will be seen. Overnight Montezuma Rainforest Lodge (BLD)

Day 8

Today you will transfer through the green and lush mountains of the area known as the Coffee Region to reach a small colonial town nestled within the Andes called Jardin. Overnight Plantacion Hotel (BL)

Day 9

With your guide you will visit numerous waterfalls hidden in the undiscovered landscape and also visit a small reserve where you will be able to observe the stunning Andean Cock of the Rock. The male bird of this magical species competes for the female by displaying his plumage and hopping in an interesting display. Overnight Plantacion Hotel (B)

Day 10

Today you will transfer to Medellin, known as the City of Eternal Spring for its idyllic climate. Overnight El Cielo Hotel (B).

Day 11

Start the day with a guided walk through the city to visit some of its most beautiful buildings, finishing with a visit to the famous Comuna 13, where you can see the transformation and evolution from Medellin's violent past to a modern city. Overnight El Cielo Hotel (BL)

Day 12

Today you will take a flight to Santa Marta on the Caribbean Sea, and transfer to your lodge near Tayrona National Park. Overnight Casa Barlovento (B)

Day 13

Take a guided hike inside the National Park along its trails to appreciate its rocky landscapes and beautiful, wild beaches. With a little luck you will be able to see some wildlife along the way. Overnight Casa Barlovento (B)

Day 14

Transfer high up into the cloud forests to a remote lodge with stunning views and excellent birdlife. The journey is off the beaten track and will be bumpy. Overnight El Dorado (BLD)

Day 15

Explore Cuchilla de San Lorenzo (2,200 metres above sea level) with the chance to observe different bird species due to the elevation of the area. The well preserved jungle is also a great area so observe several butterflies, reptiles, birds, waterfalls and pristine nature in this special biodiversity spot between the snow-capped tropical mountains and the ocean. Overnight El Dorado (BLD)

Day 16

Early start to observe birds and wildlife within the El Dorado Reserve with your guide before transferring back to Santa Marta. Overnight Casa de Leda (BL)

Day 17

Transfer to the airport for your return flight to UK. *Extend your trip by a few nights to visit the gorgeous town of Cartagena. (B)

16 nights from
£5,765 excluding flights

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Highlights Include

  • Spectacled Bears in Chingaza National Park
  • Tatama National Park - Tanagers and Manakins
  • Colonial town of Jardin
  • Observing Andean Cock of the Rock
  • Tayrona National Park
  • Minca cloud forest and El Dorado Reserve

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